What can you do to get recipients to open your emails?
Content marketing

What can you do to get recipients to open your emails?

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It’s hard to imagine modern working life without sending and receiving emails. In an ideal reality, our messages always get where they need to go and are opened. However, there are times when emails don’t receive attention or are considered spam. How to avoid this?

According to statistics, more than 54% of e-mails sent worldwide are spam. For this reason, email providers are developing more and more effective solutions to help distinguish spam from messages from marketers operating under permission marketing principles. If we want to ensure that our e-mails reach their recipients and not the spam list, we need to keep a few things in mind. We should also know what can make recipients reluctant to open messages and how to remedy it. We suggest what to pay attention to.

Why do recipients ignore our emails?

Even if our messages are not marked as spam, they still often remain ignored. There may be several reasons why emails are not opened.

Sending messages too often

It’s not surprising that recipients start ignoring our messages over time, since we flood them with emails every day. Respondents indicate that receiving too many messages is the main reason for unsubscribing from newsletters. How to avoid this? Simply reduce the frequency of emails and see if recipients’ activity increases.

Irregular sending of messages

It’s not only too frequent sending of messages that can harm us. The same is true of irregular emailing. Recipients may, over time, forget that they subscribed to the newsletter and stop reading the messages. So it’s worth ensuring regularity of sending – emails sent twice a week will be optimal.

Low deliverability

It is often the case that recipients do not read our messages because the emails do not reach them. This may be due to low deliverability, which depends, among other things, on the e-mail marketing system or the recipients’ reaction to received messages (for example, throwing them in the trash without opening them). The solution in such a situation is to verify the level of message deliverability. To do this, we should regularly analyze the statistics of the mailings, including the open rate (OR) and the number of hard and soft bounces.

How to create emails that won’t go to spam?

We already know what can cause a lack of interest in our messages from recipients and how to remedy it. Now let’s focus on making sure emails don’t go to spam.

Message subject line

Some marketers use dishonest tricks to mislead recipients and get them to open the email. The most common way is to put the abbreviation Re: or FWD: in the subject line of the message, which suggests continuing communication. Let’s not abuse the trust of recipients, who may immediately mark such a message as spam. Let’s make sure that the subject of the message always corresponds to its content.

Sender of the message

The sender’s name, like the subject of the message, is among the key information on the basis of which the recipient decides whether to open the e-mail at all. Messages should be sent by a single and unchanging sender, as frequent sender changes can create distrust among recipients.

main photo: pixabay.com/pixelcreatures

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