From the diary of a young copywriter: types of texts you need to know
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From the diary of a young copywriter: types of texts you need to know

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You’re looking around for assignments, but you still can’t decipher all the words that contractors put in their ads. What should SEO text really be? And what are these pretzels that everyone is writing about?

In this text we will try to dispel the doubts that are obvious to an experienced copy writer, but may cause some trouble to beginners. Let’s start with absolute basics.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is an art of writing content which will encourage the reader to buy a product, use a service, subscribe to a newsletter or take any other desired action, according to the wishes of the client. Copywriter is someone who understands people and knows what his audience likes. He prepares content that will be interesting and valuable for specific users. Moreover, he knows how to optimize texts for search engines.

Sales texts

Many copywriters create sales content. This includes advertising texts, sponsored articles, as well as, for example, product and category descriptions in online stores. A copywriter must demonstrate a range of skills here. He can reach into the subconscious of the audience and knows what may appeal to them.

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However, that’s not all! An experienced copywriter knows how to encapsulate the key benefits of a product or service in literally a few words or sentences to entice potential customers.

SEO texts

Any business that wants to succeed online needs to publish search engine optimized (SEO) content. As a result, there is also a growing demand for specialists in this field. They are able to place keywords and key phrases in strategic places in the text so that the website ranks high in search results while still maintaining its authenticity. SEO copywriters primarily write blog articles, product and category descriptions

Strategic thinking plays an extremely important role here. Think about it, can you get into the mind of a typical company’s customer and think like they do? Do you know what search terms a specific audience types into a search engine to find a product or service? When you write SEO texts, you need to be extremely creative and insightful. Remember, no one wants to read content that is blatantly shoved with keywords. No, neither does Google.

Precl and backlink texts

Pretzels. A snack that’s easy to create and munch on, just like so-called precl texts! (source:

Beginning copywriters usually write pretzels and backlink texts. Popular pretzels are short, usually 1000-2000 zzs long. Remember that they must be unique and relevant to the topic. Most often you need to include specific keywords and phrases. Quantity is what matters here, not quality, so don’t aim for high rates. It’s more like piecework writing, but even that will help you become proficient at writing and estimating your capacity

Backlink texts are usually placed on topic pages. Most often they are 2000-3000 zzs long and should contain specific keywords and a link to the positioned website.

Also, category descriptions in e-shops often have to contain specific keywords, but this type of texts must have marketing overtones to encourage customers to buy, so they require more skill than regular “pretzels”.

Content marketing

Another area to pay attention to is content marketing. This refers to all content that inspires, informs, engages and ultimately converts. This includes blog text, social media posts, and sponsored articles, for example. To write good content, you need to be able to tell a story through your products, a key service or offer, and above all, you need to be able to combine the most important elements of sales copywriting, technical copywriting, creative copywriting and SEO.

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(Photo by Aaron Weiss, source:

It is worth reminding you that writing for blogs, online magazines and even social media is not always about products, but also about building relationships with a specific target audience. If you want to succeed, you should write interesting, substantive and useful content. In this way, you will encourage users to come back. Additionally, you will motivate them to share texts on their profiles. Of course, not all shared content will turn out to be viral, but this kind of word-of-mouth can significantly increase the click-through rate.

Specialist texts for websites

If a company wants to build the position of an expert on the Internet, it should publish interesting and substantive texts on the company blog, including specialist publications. More and more people are looking for copywriters who have experience in specific areas, such as finance or medicine. Such people can count on higher rates, because the orders require a lot of research, use of professional vocabulary and the use of proven sources.

Regardless of what kind of texts you will create, remember that they should be interesting, unique and factual. Make sure they are free from spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will not get another order from a client

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