Emoticons in text. Is it professional?
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Emoticons in text. Is it professional?

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Emoticons are not only an integral part of any modern platform. According to linguists, they are also the fastest growing global language of all time. The popularity of these expressive little icons is steadily growing and has even begun to extend beyond the digital space. So is putting them in texts an easy path to success?

How can emoticons be useful in content marketing?

Whether we’re fans or fervent opponents, emoticons have revolutionized digital communication. They have become a modern shortcut, a very useful tool thanks to which we can convey our feelings or attitudes without generating unnecessarily large amounts of text. Long gone are the days when using emoticons was the domain of teenagers only. Nowadays, although they are still used by young people, their popularity has also spread to the growing generation of millennials and middle-aged people. According to Emoji, a company that specializes in adding emoticons to products and services, most Internet users – 92% – simply cannot imagine communication without them. However, the positive reactions are not only related to the sending of messages, but also to their reception. Further data suggests that Facebook posts containing emoticons get half as many likes and 33% more comments.

The benefits of using emoticons in your marketing efforts

If you’re considering whether you, as a company, should include content that uses emoticons in your marketing strategy, it’s worth researching what the public perception of emoticons is and whether using them will help or hurt your professional image more. What is so encouraging about emoticons?

1. Enduring popularity

Emoticons have given digital communication a whole new, unprecedented shape, and their popularity has been growing steadily for the past few years. People love them, especially the generation of the late 80’s and early 90’s who are now the biggest market drivers.

2. They convey more than words

With emoticons our communication with the recipient can be more subtle. Giving some information only in a text form can lead to a situation in which – for example through the ambiguity of the message – we will be misunderstood and achieve the opposite effect to the intended one. By attaching an image we give the client a certain context which he should follow when interpreting the text.

3. Universality

In this case the saying that “a smile is the same in every language” applies here. In a globalized world, the great advantage of emoticons is that they can be understood by anyone, regardless of their native language. It is a very good tool to break down language barriers.

4. A direct message with a human face

Using emoticons is simple, direct and can serve as a substitute for the facial expressions and body language of the person with whom we have made digital contact. Knowing that there is a flesh-and-blood human on the other side of the link provides a greater sense of comfort and security that makes it easier to trust the person.

When considering the use of emoticons in content marketing, it is important to realize how they can enrich the perception of our brand. Given their direct form, they will certainly have a positive impact on humanizing your brand in the eyes of your audience. Of course you should not overdo it and think twice before embellishing the whole text with them. Images are only a complement to the content, which is still the most important. However, getting rid of the belief that the only right way is to maintain seriousness and formal tone at all costs, should quickly bring the desired results.

photo: unsplash.com

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