How to write a good sponsored article?
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How to write a good sponsored article?

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A sponsored article is a form of advertising that is gaining more and more popularity online. Such text has to be properly constructed in order to attract the attention of the reader, the target consumer. The idea of a sponsored article is to call the reader to a specific action, for example to click the “buy here” button.

A sponsored text is created in such a way as to promote a given article in a non-obvious way. It cannot be pushy, but rather discreetly advertise. After reading the content, the reader should want to use the services or be tempted by the product. As a matter of fact, it is a very difficult task to create a good sponsored article.

Before you start writing a sponsored article, you should think about its content. The industry, current trends, technology, the number of monthly searches for a given phrase – these are all important elements when choosing a topic. Skillfully adapting the article to the potential audience is always the key to success.

What should a sponsored article consist of?


An appealing, unobtrusive title. It should arouse the reader’s interest. A great idea is to create a title in the form of a question or you can include a number, for example “5 advantages of using reusable packaging”


It’s a teaser that encourages the reader to read the whole thing. It is a sort of supplement to the title with keywords included.


This is the place to bring up the issue that will be discussed later in the text. Not to give away any details, just to encourage the reader to continue reading the article.


Here you should answer the question posed in the title, with reference to the keywords. Short paragraphs are welcome as they are more pleasing to the eye and read better. Separate each section with an intriguing subtitle. Remember also about graphics, infographics separating the wall of text, as well as bolding, bullets. T

The development should also include an anchor with a link redirecting to the client’s website. The keyword, however, must be skillfully and properly woven into the text.


Present your conclusions and summary here. You can bullet point the most important conclusions of the article so that the reader can come back to this fragment at any time.


This is the place for presenting contact information and a short bio note about the company. It is not a mandatory point.


What should you keep in mind when creating a sponsored text?

  • There must be no shortage of industry-specific language. Be a specialist in a given field and use vocabulary, jargon for the industry.
  • Do not use colloquial language, but remember simple, uncomplicated vocabulary.
  • Use the active form, that is, make the text abundant in verbs of the personal form.
  • Be objective.
  • The text should be written in a neat manner. Keep the same tense, such as present tense, throughout the text.

AIDA model

When creating a sponsored article, the AIDA model comes in handy. This is a statement of the desired reactions of the consumer, customer. Thus:

Attention – attention

First of all, you have to attract and keep the reader’s attention. He should be encouraged and intrigued from the very first sentence. It’s worth betting on interesting headlines and subheadings.


Here the reader should be interested in details. For example – use statistics, it is always a reliable element in the article. The material must be pleasant both in terms of content and visually.


Here show why your service is unique. Remember about the language of benefits. Use examples. All in order to show what the client will gain if he chooses your product.

Action – call to action

This is a kind of conclusion, which aim is to call to action. For example – subscribe to our newsletter, write to us, use our services.

Sponsored article can bring many desirable benefits. Apart from the call to action, it also influences the positioning. External links and keywords included in the text are pluses for Google’s algorithm.

Writing a good sponsored article is preceded by years of practice. The advice we presented above may prove useful. Properly structured marketing content can call for a buying decision from multiple audiences.

Main image of the article: source:

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