How to Speed Up Your Website in Just a Few Easy Steps!
SEO and online marketing

How to Speed Up Your Website in Just a Few Easy Steps!

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Have you ever visited a website that takes so long to load that you decide to abandon it before it even finishes loading? It’s frustrating, and nobody wants to visit websites that take forever to load. Fortunately, there are some simple changes you can make to your website to speed it up dramatically, with minimal effort! Here are five easy steps to help you speed up your website in no time at all!

Step 1 – Check for Hacks

Checking for hacks and removing infected files is always the first step in optimizing your site. Chances are there are no major vulnerabilities, but it is important to ensure you can stay safe. Doing this will ensure that nothing gets in the way of your website performing at its best. After all, no one wants their site to be hacked or shut down due to security issues. SEO marketing Auckland companies recommend hiring professionals for SEO if you do not have experience with this. Professionals know what they are doing and take care of business properly.

Step 2 – Implement HTML Coding Best Practices

Implement HTML – a key component of speeding up your website – includes compressing files and leveraging browser caching, among other best practices. However, these processes require adding specific tags and snippets to the code that produces each page on your site. The easiest way to leverage the best coding practices is through plugins for content management systems like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla, enabling you to set default settings within the application’s configuration area. Maintaining these basic best practices is essential to every web developer’s job. But as mentioned before, they can be hard to implement without expertise. That’s why it pays to partner with a good Auckland SEO agency with experience and skill set in this field.

Step 3 – Move Files Around

Unfortunately, with the latest security updates, one of the best ways to speed up your website is no longer allowed. This way was moving around all your files. Moving files around on your computer is still effective at optimizing performance, though – just don’t move them off your computer! What you want to do is create two folders: static and dynamic. You should put any file that will not often change (or ever) into the static folder. These would be images, CSS style sheets, JavaScript files, etc. These types of files should be moved into the dynamic folder if they are needed for a post or page that has not been published yet.

Step 4 – Use Google PageSpeed Insights

Using Google PageSpeed Insights, you can run your website through a test that will provide you with information on your site’s performance. You can make any necessary adjustments to ensure it is optimized for speed. The results should help clarify if optimizing page speed will positively affect your website traffic and rankings. Once you complete the assessment, simply follow the instructions provided by Google PageSpeed Insights to optimize your site.

Step 5 – Keep It Light

You should make sure that your website loads as quickly as possible. The reason for this is two-fold: if you can’t load your site quickly, you won’t get many visitors because they’ll lose patience and go elsewhere, and second, search engines favour websites that load quickly so more people will be able to find your content. One way to speed up your website is by keeping it light. That means not using flashy animations or images with large file sizes, both known to slow down the loading process. Flashy graphics can also distract from the page’s content, which could frustrate visitors and cause them to leave without even reading anything on the page.

Main photo: Lukas Bieri/

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